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REGEN: Technology Advantages
REGEN: Technology Advantages

REGEN Industrial Hemp USA is on the cusp of a brand-new industrial hemp industry, and we have developed proprietary technology to overcome a number of current obstacles.

The REGEN Decorticator is the initial decorticator to utilize artificial intelligence. It will process hemp indoors in a controlled environment, thereby avoiding the quantity and quality losses associated with other processing methods. Most importantly, we have developed technology that radically alters the retting process. Currently, retting is performed using an acid bath or field curing, both of which result in inevitable loss. Because retting is carried out mechanically on the stalks, which produces another by-product to be sold, our decorticator technology is both more efficient and environmentally friendly.

The separation of hurd and fiber represents an additional technological advancement. In contrast to manual outdoor labor, the hurd is collected indoors and compressed into pallet bales.
This is the first decorticator that can meet the demand for high-quality consumer goods. Manufacturers of vehicle body parts and other end-users require fibers longer than the three-foot fibers produced by current decorticators.

The REGEN Decorticator generates fibers that are as long as the inputted stalks, between 6 and 15 feet. Additionally, no additional fiber processing is necessary. It has been predicted that "hemp fiber will become the most important and valuable component of the hemp plant."

Scalability is a key competitive advantage of the REGEN Decorticator. As it is constructed in 10-foot sections, it can accommodate various sizes of hemp processing facilities. A small processor could use a 10-foot section, while a large processor could couple up to ten sections to process up to 250 tons of industrial hemp in an eight-hour workday.

Our REGEN Warehouse will complete the industrial hemp industry's supply chain by providing a plant of scalable size with two prep sites for our REGEN Biomass Dryer and year-round stock processing. Our two-story design allows us to store crops awaiting processing and maintain their quality. The facility will provide a controlled environment for year-round shipment of premium quality end-user goods to manufacturers.

In conclusion, REGEN Industrial Hemp USA is poised to revolutionize the harvesting, processing, and warehousing of industrial hemp with our REGEN Hemp Combine. In addition, processing hemp in a controlled environment enables greater quality control, allowing for the consistent production of different grades for various applications. In addition, the scalability of our processing equipment and warehouse allows us to provide commercial quantities of industrial hemp to the expanding end-user markets.

The initial step will be to perfect the proprietary equipment allowing REGEN to apply for provisional patents. The patent will emphasize the novel and enhanced features of the REGEN Decorticator. Future applications for provisional or utility patents on our uniquely designed equipment (REGEN Biomass Dryer, Industrial Gravity Handler, and REGEN Hemp Combine) will be submitted shortly. Additionally, we are applying for trademarks.

If you have any questions that have been left unanswered, please do not hesitate to contact our executive team.

Thank you in advance for your support!

Jane Burnes Leverenz

REGEN Industrial Hemp USA Team Member

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